If you are planning to take a class for college credit, or already are, this loan is for you. We would like to help you as you renew your teacher certificate or license and advance yourself on the District salary schedule.
For larger loans the Solon/Chagrin Falls Federal Credit Union now offers SallieMae Smart Option Student Loans at a special, low interest rate. Apply at www.salliemae.com/smartoption/soloncu
Preferred rate when
payments made by
payroll deduction or
ACH payment.
Lines of credit & terms
up to $4,000 | 24 months |
up to $5,000 | 36 months |
up to $6,000 | 48 months |
up to $7,000 | 60 months |
up to $10,000 | 84 months |
Solon Chagrin Falls Federal Credit Union 2025